Friday 30 June 2017

Modi Call to Israeli Boy who lost his Parents in 26/11 Mumbai Attack

Moshe Holtzberg, the Israeli child who was just two years old when he lost his parents in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, is looking forward to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who in a special gesture, will meet the boy during his visit here next week.
Mr. Modi’s decision to meet Moshe, now 10, has been welcomed by the child’s family members, who said that the gesture made them realise that Indians shared their pain and they have not been forgotten.
Mr. Modi will also meet Moshe’s Indian nanny Sandra Samuels, who managed to escape with him from the Nariman House which came under attack by Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists, and his grandparents Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg.
"I could not believe my ears when I got a call from the Indian envoy saying that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to meet us. My immediate thoughts were that we have not been forgotten and that Indians share our pain,I am deeply moved and can’t explain how good I feel at this gesture from the Indian Prime Minister. We are looking forward to that opportunity,” Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg told PTI(Press Trust of India).

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