Friday 9 June 2017

When in Summer Solstice 2017??

As the summer solstice approaches, everyone starts grumbling about the fact that the days will soon be getting shorter.

The Summer Solstice is generally understood to mark the First day of Summer.

Technically,its when the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is most inclined
towards the sun and thats why we get the most daylight of the year.

During the winter solstice, the northern hemisphere is tilted furthest away 
from the sun, hence fewer hours of daylight and the shortest day.

The word solstice is derived from the Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), 
because the seasonal movement of the Sun's path (as seen from Earth) 
momentarily comes to a stop before reversing direction.

In Northern Hemisphere,the summer solstice takes place between june 20 and june 22.
This year its on Wednesday,june 21.

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